Saturday, July 25, 2009

Rub a Dub Dub, Three Boys in the Tub and More

Well tonight was a big night in the Preisler household, the babies joined Elijah in the big tub for a scrub (and of course a few pictures). Both boys are sitting on their own, Orion cut his first tooth last week and then attempted a fast escape this week (see the pictures). I have known since the beginning I have one mover on my hands but this is quite unbelievable. He is figuring out how to spin around while sitting or plop on the floor and roll. He moves his way to the edge of the blanket when we are outside to play with the grass, he is fascinated by it and would rather be in it then on the blanket. He is alo gaining a reputation for stealing toys from Amittai and taking him to the floor by his hair. He is a very happy boy, always smiling and babbling.
Amittai is continuing to gain rolls and I love it! I am secretly hoping his beautiful blue eyes stay that color forever! He loves to kiss, is enjoying exploring more with his hands and I believe he is getting close to cutting a tooth too. He loves to be talked to and just gazes at you with those blue eyes and smiles.
We have been enjoying going to the local wading pools and parks and even camped with the whole family over the 4th of July.
Check out the pictures!