Friday, June 26, 2009

First Pool Trip of the Summer and More

In a move that some of you would call "crazy" (you know who you are), I took all 5 children strawberry picking yesterday morning (well, kind of) and to a local wading pool yesterday afternoon.
The morning, off to pick strawberries:
It was 7:30 am when we all were up and moving for the morning (late for us). I asked the older 3 if they would like to go strawberry picking and they of course said, "yes". Strawberry picking started at 8:00 about 5 blocks down the road. We rushed to get dressed in grubby clothes as it had rained just a few hours earlier, eat a quick breakfast and get everyone out the door with stroller and water in tote. We pulled in at 8:20 and as I started unloading the van, a lady approached me and said, "before you get your kids unloaded, we are not letting anyone else pick today, we will open again at 8:00 Saturday." So...we loaded back up and headed home with plans to return Saturday.
The afternoon, off to the pool:
Last year we learned of the lovely Park and Rec rule that strollers were not allowed in the fenced pool area, although there is usually plenty of room. This was not an issue last year as Eli was walking and wanting to go in the water anyway. Different story this summer with two babies in tote. So...the babies and I parked under the shade of a tree right outside the fence. We were immediately approached by the lifeguard who asked the ages of the children. She then kindly informed me that they have a rule that any child under age 4 needs a swim diaper to go in the water. Elijah, 2 3/4 years old, took it very well as I explained that I know he does not need it but they have a rule because not all children know where to go potty like he does. After I let my frustration go (and payed her $2 for a swim diaper) the kids jumped in the water and had a blast!!!! The babies hung out with me on the blanket playing and watching the older 3 enjoy the water.
A day of adventure and fun!