Saturday, April 9, 2011

Finally, I think Spring has arrived!!

I think spring is here and I feel relief. The trampoline is officially up and our yard can now be used as the place to get energy out instead of the furniture!!! Orion pushed a big jug of protein powder into the living room the other day and I found him jumping off of the top of it and then using it as his karate target, kicking and punching it. So thankful to be able to run outside, go for walks, go geocaching, ride bikes, play ball....spring!
The kids are registered for summer activities and we are making plans for a few roadtrips.
Looking forward to MACHE conference next weekend with Shawn. Time to be encouraged in our homeschooling endeavor, think about our plans for school next year and to evaluate how things are going this year.
More to come...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Beautiful Birth

I had the opportunity yesterday to witness the beautiful birth of a baby girl at St.Cloud Hospital. It was simply spectacular!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Suprises!!!!

The young boys created a valentines day love note for me with red marker on the couches and tv downstairs today while I was teaching school to the girls.
Thank goodness for stain remover!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Catch Up Time

It has been a while since I lasted posted. We have been busy schooling, playing, cooking and hanging out on these COLD days!
We are 20 weeks into our curriculum and it looks like we will finish up in May if all goes as planned. Schooling is a bit challenging with the little guys distracting us but we are adapting each day. We have been studying American History, learning about each state, Eli Whitney, Daniel Boone, the Explorers.... We have found that taping the weekly spelling words up around the house in various places leads to a new way of learning and better results on spelling tests for Aubrey! We have enjoyed having an art curriculum inter twined with our lessons and we have seen the benefits in the girls doodling and crafts.
The girls got their ears pierced for a Christmas present and they are looking forward to switching their earrings out for the first time this week.
Elijah has discovered The Last Avatar and really enjoys running around the house acting it out. He is really looking forward to spring and riding his bike he got last last year. He is a great big brother to the little boys and has enjoyed their maturing and joining him in his play. He has resumed sleeping in his bedroom on the top bunk after a long time of sleeping anywhere except his bedroom to avoid being woken up by the little guys.
Amittai continues to show us his love for music as he regularly strums his pretend guitar and sings. He loves to snuggle and always wakes up happy. He likes to pretend he is sleeping when I try to take him out of his care seat and does not crack a smile. His ability to speak and communicate expands rapidly daily and he amazes me as he puts together sentences like, "No Ry Ry Hit Me".
Orion continues to show us his physical talents as he climbs and falls. He is always "exploring" and quickly finds things to play with that he should not. He recently learned hydrogen peroxide does not taste well and does cause vomiting and you should not run with a toy screw driver in your mouth because it can cut the back of your throat. He has moved into sleeping in the bottom bunk bed and loves the space and comfort. He spends most of the day in a superman cape with a sword or gun in his hand or in the back of his shirt.
We are looking forward to warmer weather, planting a garden and finishing some landscaping work this spring and summer.
Pictures to come soon!