Monday, January 25, 2010

First Birthday Fun

Still a Fan !?

Only because he has not learned any better yet, Elijah requested to wear this today (the day after their LOSS in the NFC championship game):

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Pants Are Getting Pulled Down!

Did I intrigue you with the title of this post?

I bet.

But it is the case lately. As I move throughout the house, spending most of my time it seems in the kitchen/dining room area, I have one baby hanging on each leg. And it is a problem because together, they manage to pull my pants down. So I am constantly GENTLY placing the babies away from my legs and hiking my pants up. I must say, of all of the awesome points in having TWO babies, this is not one of my favorites. In fact, it is driving me a little CRAZY!!! That and the whining which is not heard when I am out of sight and mind (or so I have been told).

But those two adorable babies turned one last week. Can you believe it!! It definitely was the fastest year of my life!! We celebrated with smoothies after dinner on the night of their big day after we sang Happy Birthday to each of them. We were then joined last Saturday by family and friends to watch them enjoy their first cupcakes!
I must admit, leading up to their first birthday, I was emotional and stressed out, downright crabby and spending WAY too much time reflecting on all of the events of that day one year ago. BUT after a lovely challenge from Shawn (he knows how to get me to think) and some prayer the morning or their first birthday, I had a sense of peace that day and celebrated!

We timed the family celebration on Saturday perfectly between naps and had two very happy and entertaining 1 year old boys! They enjoyed opening gifts, showing their new tricks and eating sweet frosting!
Then the best part happened after everyone was gone and second naps were taken, as I cleaned up the kitchen that evening, the two of them settled in the living room with their new toys. Ty with a book and Orion with a ball and they played! For almost an hour, they made their way from toy to book while giggling at each other once in a while.
I will post pictures soon!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The One and Only Elijah Shawn

The cutest snowboy ever!!!

The other day the older kids were playing downstairs when I heard Aubrey crying and claiming Elijah had stepped on her leg. When I asked Elijah if he had stepped on her leg he replied, "no". I asked if he was lying or telling the truth and he said, "I am not lying. I did not step on her leg, I did not punch her, I did not bite her, I did not push her, I did not hit her and I did not stab her". I guess he covered all of the bases!